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TBP & Journals Template
Journals Template
Ethical Oversight
The policy of the journals, issued by ” TANMEAH BASSMAH PRESS – PUBLISHER”, concerning the oversight on how the ethical principles are observed is built on mutual trust of the publication process participants and hope for compulsory observance of all the publication ethics principles, described in the “Publishing policies” and “Editorial policies” of the company.
We focus on the СОРE definition, of Ethical oversight, namely “Ethical oversight should include, but is not limited to, policies on consent to publication, publication on vulnerable populations, ethical conduct of research using animals, ethical conduct of research using human subjects, handling confidential data and of business/marketing practices”. Based on this definition, the editorial staff of the journals works under the issue of observing the ethical principles.
The journals will be bound to consider the appeals from the Ethics and Oversight Committee for professional and scientific activity concerning the non-observance of the ethical principles by our authors. We are also ready to consider other appeals in case they are not anonymous and substantiated.
Editorial independence
“TANMEAH BASSMAH PRESS” issues the journals, founded by the company itself is a founder. At the same time the “Editorial policies” are equal and independent for all the journals without exception.
Journal’s management works closely with the publisher based on clear assignment of duties and responsibility following the defined “Publishing policies”.
We understand “editorial independence” as full freedom of journals’ editors when making decisions on whether or not to publish, as well as make corrections in the papers or withdraw them, only based on their scientific value and without intervention of the founders and the publisher of this journal, the authors and their sponsors, any other institutions and persons. Also, these institutions or persons cannot affect the timelines of papers’ publication.
Not any commercial interests can be of priority over the policy of creating high-quality reviewed journals and cannot be considered in the journal.
Pursuing the independent editorial policies by the editors and members of the Editorial boards cannot be a reason for their dismissal or replacement. The journals’ editors obtain the unconditional right to publish the editorial paper with the aim to promote their voice concerning the journal’s editorial policy as a whole and defining the opinion in every certain case to the academic circles. The publisher has no right to judge the editor’s wish to express their opinion on this matter in mass media and on the Internet. The founders and employees of the publishing company cannot comment the decisions of journals’ Editorial boards anywhere and under any conditions.
Under any conditions, not any founder of the company “TANMEAH BASSMAH PRESS” and its employees cannot be the editors or reviewers in the journals it publishes. Now it is established that the “TANMEAH BASSMAH PRESS” founders cannot submit their manuscripts for publication in the journals the company publishes.
All the decisions of the Editorial boards are made independently, without any external pressure or influence, and are fully independent from the publisher and any other persons. The journals operate in compliance with the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers.
Editorial Office Contact Form
Editorial Board Structure (for more information – Guidelines for editors and reviewers):
1. Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the Journal, defines its development strategy and determines its aims and scope, takes the final controversial decisions. Holds the editorial meetings and represents, suggests (for indexing, abstracting,..), promotes the Journal to the outside audience.
2. Managing Editor checks the manuscripts at the initial stage, supports the peer review process managing, assists authors and Editors, arranges the final documents for publishing process and has regulatory control over the deadlines.
3. Section Editors handle the peer review process on manuscripts assigned to them by the Editor-in-Chief.
4. Editorial Board Members review the manuscripts, involve independent reviewers, promote the Journal, and advise Journals strategy.
Guidelines for editors and reviewers
The Editorial Board consists of international experts in their fields. All members of the Board occupy the positions in educational and research institutions. The roles of the Editorial Board members are the following:
- provide expertise in definite research field;
- judge the submitted manuscripts and involve in the process independent reviewers;
- advise on journal policy and scope and participate in the journal development;
- propose subject definition and conference choice for special issues. Also, editorial members may be guest editors of special issue;
- promote the journal at conferences, seminars, workshops, and relevant public events;
- attract new potential authors.
Guest editors play a vital role in ensuring the quality of special content publications, such as Special Issues. Guest editors overlook the process, from proposal to publication.
The Editorial Board is reviewed every two years, which means exclusion of inactive members and addition of the new ones.
We appreciate applications from the editorial candidates. To submit an application, please send an e-mail to a Managing Editor of the selected journal and attach a file with your CV (containing the current place of work, occupation, education, the scope of your scientific interest, types of activity, list of publications, list of the journals in which you occupy the positions of an editor or a reviewer, e-mail for contact and a link to personal page at you university).
Duties of editors
We strongly recommend that Editors get acquainted with and follow COPE Core practices.
The editors of the journal are responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal will be published. The editor may confer with the members of the Editorial Board in making this decision.
Fair play. The editors evaluate manuscripts without regard to the nature of the authors or the host institution including race, gender, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors.
Confidentiality. The editors, members of the Editorial Boards, and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone except the authors of the paper, reviewers, potential reviewers, and the publisher, for appropriate reasons.
Disclosure. Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted paper should not be used in the own research of the editors or the members of the Editorial Board without the express written consent of the author.
Guidelines for Reviewers
TANMEAH BASSMAH PRESS clearly understands the importance of an effective peer review process when authors choose to submit their manuscripts to one of our journals. We try hard to establish and sustain peer-review integrity on every journal and a vital part of this means ensuring that reviewers have the appropriate resources to carry out their work as efficiently and effectively as possible. The reviewing process varies from journal to journal, but this guide serves as an overview of what’s involved when becoming a reviewer with TANMEAH PUBLISHER.
We strongly recommend that our reviewers are familiar with and follow COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.
Key points
- Peer reviewers play an important role in ensuring the integrity of the scholarly record.
- The peer review process depends to a large extent on the trust and willing participation of the scholarly community and requires that everyone involved behaves responsibly and ethically.
- Journals have an obligation to provide transparent policies for peer review, and reviewers have an obligation to conduct reviews in an ethical and accountable manner.
- Clear communication between the journal and the reviewers is essential to facilitate consistent, fair and timely review.
- Peer review, for the purposes of these guidelines, refers to reviews provided on manuscript submissions to journals, but can also include reviews for other platforms and apply to public commenting that can occur pre- or post-publication.
- Reviews of other materials such as preprints, grants, books, conference proceeding submissions, registered reports (preregistered protocols), or data will have a similar underlying ethical framework, but the process will vary depending on the source material and the type of review requested.
- The model of peer review will also influence elements of the process.
Potential reviewers should provide personal and professional information that is accurate and a fair representation of their expertise, including verifiable and accurate contact information.
During the peer review process, Referee Report preparation, and after reviewing we expect from our reviewers following:
1. Confidentiality
- In order to maintain the integrity of the review process, the reviewers shouldn’t discuss the reviewed manuscript with anyone without specific permission from the Editor.
- The reviewers are welcome to solicit input from one or two colleagues in performing the review, but this should only be done with explicit permission from the Editor. In addition, colleagues’ (with names and affiliations) involvement should be mentioned in the Comments to Editors section of the Referee Report.
- The reviewers shouldn’t copy, disseminate, or share information, concerning the manuscript for any purpose (including advancement of their own research).
- If any clarifications from the author/authors are needed, they should be included into the Comments section of the Referee Report.
2. Standards of objectivity
Reviewers should be objective while conducting reviews. All the comments and recommendations should be supported with relevant arguments.
3. Timeliness
- It is necessary to respond to an invitation to peer review within a reasonable time-frame.
- If the reviewers feel qualified to assess a particular manuscript, they should agree to review only in case of possibility to return a review within the proposed or mutually agreed time-frame.
- The reviews should be completed by the deadline indicated in invitation. If any difficulties arise that may prevent from submitting the Referee Report in time, the reviewers are obliged to contact the Handling Editor immediately.
4. Competing interests
- It is important to remain unbiased by considerations related to the nationality, religious or political beliefs, gender and/or other characteristics of the authors, origin of a manuscript or by commercial considerations.
- We kindly ask our reviewers to reveal any potential competing interest that may bias the review of the submitted manuscript (including any financial interest in the publication or non-publication of the manuscript; a recent or ongoing collaboration with the authors; a history of dispute with the authors).
- If the reviewer is currently employed at the same institution as any of the authors or has been recent (e.g., within the past 3 years) mentors, mentees, close collaborators or joint grant holders, the invitation of the manuscript reviewing should be rejected.
- The reviewers should not agree to review a manuscript just to gain sight of it with no real intention of submitting a Referee Report.
- The reviewers are not precluded from reviewing the manuscript because of previously reviewing a version of it for another journal. However, this should be noted in the Comments to Editors section.
Plagiarism Statement
All manuscripts that are being sent for an external peer review, are screened for originality. By submitting their manuscripts to the journal authors are agreeing to any necessary originality checks the manuscript may have to undergo during the publication process.
The Publishing Company ” TANMEAH BASSMAH PRESS” advocates adherence to the principles of ethics and integrity of science.
Plagiarism implies the use another author’s work without permission or acknowledgement. Plagiarism may have different forms from copying word by word to rewriting. While defining plagiarism the following definitions are taken into account:
- Literal copying: Copying the work word by word, in general or in parts, without permission or acknowledgement of the source. Literal copying is clearly plagiarism and is easily detected by plagiarism software.
- Substantial copying: Replicating substantial part of the work without permission and confirmation of the source. In determining what is “substantial”, both the quantity and the quality of the copied content are relevant. Quality is measured by relative value of copied text comparing to the whole text. Where the essence of the work was copied, even not very big part of it, plagiarism is identified.
- Paraphrasing: Copying may be made without literal replicating, used in the original work. This type of copying is known as paraphrasing and it may be the most difficult type of plagiarism to reveal.
Plagiarism in all its forms is unacceptable and will lead to immediate rejection of the paper along with possible sanctions against authors.
Research misconduct policies
Allegations about authorship of contributions
It is important that all authors are declared in the list of authors and are declared in the Cover letter form, sent along with a submitted paper. To be considered the author, a person should be responsible for particular research aspect or preparation for work or make particular contribution to the concept, project, fulfillment, or research explanation, and it must be confirmed in the final work form. Insignificant contribution may not be considered as an authorship. A person who provides insignificant contribution or appropriate data or other type of help may be considered as “contributor” by author/co-authors, and may be declared in the paper in acknowledgement section. According to our policy, author/co-authors of submitted paper must fill in the Cover letter form to identify all participants, as well as confirm their consent to publish the paper.
Duplicate submission
Authors must present manuscripts which are unique and must not be submitted to any other journal (except for some unusual circumstances and only with reviewer’s approval). Sometimes authors may ignore this requirement, submitting the same document to several journals or submitting several documents on the basis of one and the same research. As in plagiarism duplicate submission may take different forms: literal copying, partial, but substantial copying or even paraphrased copying of the research. The publisher sticks to the policy which forbids publication of multiple papers on the basis of a single research. Infringement of this policy will result in immediate rejection along with possible sanctions against authors.
Citation manipulation
Submitted manuscripts that are found to include citations whose primary purpose is to increase the number of citations to a given author’s work, or to articles published in a particular journal, will result in immediate rejection along with possible sanctions against authors.
Data falsification
If the falsified or fabricated data of experimental results (this also includes manipulation of images) will be found in the submitted paper, it will result in an immediate rejection along with possible sanctions against authors.
The following sanctions may be imposed in case of infringement of abovementioned policies:
Immediate rejection of the manuscript.
Publication embargo against all authors of the manuscript. The term of the embargo may vary, but the minimum is 24 months.
Prohibition against all of the authors from serving on the Editorial Board of any journal published by TANMEAH BASSMAH PRESS.
Conflicts of interest
It is very important for a scientific journal to be scrupulous and always adhere to the best publishing practices and principles of publication ethics. Therefore, all processes related to the review and publication of articles should be as clear and transparent as possible.
The editorial board, journal staff, authors, editors and reviewers constantly interact at different stages of writing, processing, peer review, editing and publishing the article, and their relationship is not always easy and during which various situations may arise (that is, when a person has competing interests or loyalty caused by his obligations to several persons or organizations/university), when a person cannot give proper respect to the actual or potentially conflicting interests of both parties. A conflict of interests can be based on financial relations (such direct conflicts of interest are usually easy to identify), ideological, religious, and intellectual differences, academic gain, competition and rivalry.
When submitting the manuscript, authors must exclude a possible conflict of interest or attest it to the journal by filling out the appropriate form when sending the manuscript to the journal, which excludes the possible data manipulation. The authors are fully responsible for disclosing all relationships, facts, actions, and influence of third parties that may affect their research.
Before reviewing the manuscript, reviewers should familiarize themselves with the peer review process of the journal and with the journal itself.
If there are circumstances, facts or actions that may affect the transparency of the article assessment, the reviewer should refuse to review the manuscript. If there is a potential conflict of interest, the reviewer should report this to a Managing Editor or a Handling Editor and consult with them.
Reviewers should not use the article for their personal purposes and should not attract third parties without prior consultation with journals. After reviewing the article, the paper version of the manuscript must be destroyed, and the electronic version removed from the electronic media.
Editors who make final decisions on manuscripts should not make editorial and publication decisions if they have a conflict of interest related to manuscripts under consideration. Editorial staff should not use information obtained when working with manuscripts for private gain.
Conflict of Interests Statement
If there is a conflict of interest before the article publication, whether it has been attested by an author, a reviewer, Editorial Board members, editors, or the Managing Editor or the staff of the journal, or if there has been an information leak, then a conflict of interests statement should be published in the article; in addition, the editor may request and publish related documents so that the reader has complete information and can judge for himself the possibility and nature of the impact of the conflict of interest on the published results.
Complaints policy
This procedure applies to complaints about the journal, its staff, editorial board or publisher, the policies, procedures, or actions of the TANMEAH BASSMAH PRESS editorial staff. We welcome complaints as they provide an opportunity for improvement, and we will provide quick and constructive response. Ideally, the complaint should be addressed to the person whom it concerns. If this person is unavailable for any reason or not able to resolve the complaint, please e-mail your complaint to us with clear identification of the complaint nature and source of address.
We presume that complaints should be based on failure of process (severe misjudgement, long delay or a rude response), not a simple disagreement with editorial decisions.
” TANMEAH BASSMAH PRESS -PUBLISHER” addresses following complaints:
Authorship complaints
Plagiarism complaints
Multiple, duplicate, concurrent publication/Simultaneous submission
Research results misappropriation and data fabrication
Allegations of research errors and fraud
Research standards violations
Undisclosed conflicts of interest
Reviewer bias or competitive harmful acts by reviewers
Complaints handling policy
If the Publisher receives a complaint that any contribution to the Journal infringes intellectual property rights or contains material inaccuracies, libelous materials or otherwise unlawful materials, we will investigate the complaint. Investigation may include a request that the parties involved substantiate their claims. The Publisher will determine whether to remove the allegedly wrongful material. If the complaint lacks sufficient foundation, the material will not be removed. Complaint investigations and decisions will be documented. Our goal is to ensure the highest quality of our journals; however, we accept that occasionally mistakes might happen.
All complaints will be acknowledged (within three working days if by email). If possible, a definitive response will be made within two weeks. If this is not possible an interim response will be given within two weeks. Interim responses will be provided until the complaint is finally resolved. If the complainant remains unsatisfied, complaints will be escalated to the editor, whose decision is final.
Data collection/information disclosure policy
To the extent permitted by the existing legislation, we collect information about you and any other party whose data you provide to us when you:
- register to use our websites, applications or services (including free trials); this may include your name (including your company name), address, email address and phone number. We can also ask you to provide additional information about your business and your preferences;
- place an order using our websites, applications or services; this may include your name (including the business name), address, contact (including phone number and e-mail address) and payment details;
- fill in online forms (including callback requests), participate in surveys, place announcement on our boards, place any blogs, enter any contests or prize drawings, upload information such as official documents or other publications, or participate in any other interactive areas on our website or within our application or service;
- interact with us through social networks;
- provide us with your contact details when registering or using any of the websites, applications or services that we provide, or when you update this information; and
- contact us off-line, for example, by phone, fax, SMS, email or by mail.
We also collect your data when you only partially fill out and/or leave any information entered on our website and/or other online forms and you can use this information to remind you to give any available information and/or for marketing purposes.
We also collect information from your devices (including mobile devices) and applications that you or your users use to access and use any of our websites, applications or services (for example, we can collect identification number and device type, location information and data about the connection such as your page views statistics, traffic to/from sites, referral URL, ad data, your IP address, browsing history and your web log data), and we ask you for permission before we do it.
We can do this through cookies or similar technologies. The company will not disclose personal information about any person other than as specified in this Privacy Policy. This applies to information about our customers and the information that our customers provide to us. We disclose information that we, in good faith, consider it advisable to cooperate while investigating fraud or other illegal activities, investigate violations of our Terms of Use and/or protect our right, protect your safety and the safety of other people.
We disclose information in response to a request for summons, warrant, order of the court, recovery, disposal of a court-appointed recipient or other comparable litigation, including agendas from individuals in the civil proceedings.
We disclose information to your agent or legal representative (for example, the holder of the letter of attorney you provide or the guardian appointed by you).
To implement our Services, we may need to publish your Personal Data to publish reviews, notices on social networking sites, etc. For example, we may need to disclose your name on the website to publish an article review. We will do this with your permission for a specific target.
Unless otherwise provided in the written agreement, we collect, store and process your personal data on servers located in Jordan. Due to the unpredictable nature of Internet routing, your information can pass through other countries when you transit to our servers.
Information security
To the extent permitted by the current legislation, we use your information to:
- provide any information and services you requested or any applications or services you ordered;
- compare information for the purpose of accuracy and check it with third parties;
- provide, maintain, protect and improve any applications, products, services and information that you have requested;
- manage and administer your use of the applications, products and services you requested;
- manage the relationship between us (for example, customer service and support activities);
- monitor, measure, improve and protect our content, website, applications and services and provide you with enhanced personal experience of users;
- conduct internal testing of our website, applications, systems and services to verify and improve their security and performance, in which case we will rename any information used for such purposes and make sure that it is displayed only at aggregated levels, which will not be tied to you or to any individual;
- provide you with any information we are required to send to you according to our regulatory or legal obligations; identify, prevent, investigate or eliminate committed crimes, illegal or prohibited activities or protect our legal rights in any other way (including communication with regulators and law enforcement agencies);
- contact us to find out if you want to participate in our customer research (for example, comments on using our applications, products and services);
- monitor, perform statistical analysis and benchmarking, provided that in such circumstances it is not bounded to you or to any individual on an aggregated basis;
- provide targeted advertising, marketing (including messaging in products) or information that you may find useful, based on the use of our applications and services;
- provide joint content and services to third parties you cooperate separately (for example, social network providers); and
- provide you with location-based services (for example, advertising and other personalized content) where we collect location data.
To the extent permitted by the current legislation, we retain information about you after you close your Manuscript Administration System account. This information will be stored and used as long as it is permitted for legal, regulatory, fraud prevention and legitimate business purposes.
Your personal information security is important to us. If you provide confidential information, such as a credit card number, we encrypt this information in our registration form or order using secure socket level technology. Manuscript Administration System undertakes to process your customer information with high standards of information security.
We store the personal data provided by you and hold it by the “firewall”. It is accessible only to those who need to know this information and who have special access rights to our production systems. We support physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with state regulations to protect your non-public personal information.
We will make every reasonable effort to protect your information, but no system can prevent all malicious attacks on our system or the widely used Internet protocols or software.
Your account security also depends on your password protection. You are responsible for maintaining your password security. You are solely responsible for any actions occurring in your account.
If for any reason you share your password with a third party, the third party will have access to your account and your personal data, and you can be held responsible for the actions taken with your password use.
If you believe that someone else has access to your password, change it immediately by logging into your account on the site and changing your profile settings. If you believe that unauthorized access has already occurred, report this immediately.
Data science
We can use the information created and stored during the use of our services for our legitimate business interests so that we can provide you with the best service and/or solutions and best practices. These objectives include:
- delivering advertising, marketing (including messaging in products) or information that you might find useful, based on your use of the services;
- conducting research and development to improve our services, products and applications;
- developing and providing new functionalities and services (including statistical analysis, benchmarking and forecasting); and
- providing you with location-based services (for example, a relevant location) where we collect location data to provide relevant experience.
Information we share
We can share the information that you provide to companies that are linked through the Manuscript Administration System joint ownership. We also can share personal information that we and our publishers receive. We share personal information with third parties who perform services on our behalf. In addition, we can retain third-party service providers to manage our customers databases or distribute proposals by email.
Our site can contain blogs, forums and discussion groups. Remember that some or all of the information you provide (including personal information) may be publicly available due to these actions.
We may also disclose information about you (i) if we are required to do that by law, regulation or litigation (for example, a court order or request for summons), (ii) in response to requests from government authorities, for example, law enforcement agencies, or (iii) when we believe that the information disclosure is necessary to prevent physical harm or financial loss or due to the investigation of expected or actual illegal activities. We reserve the right to transfer any information about you in the event of the sale or transfer of all or part of our activities or assets (including reorganization or liquidation).
Your information and your rights
You have the following rights:
- the right to know how we use your data and access your information;
- the right to delete your information or restrict your data processing;
- the right to be against your data processing, for example, for the purposes of direct marketing or when processing is based on our legitimate interests;
- the right to have any information provided on an automated basis returned to you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or sent directly to another company where it is technically feasible (“data portability”);
- when your information processing is based on your consent, the right to withdraw this consent in accordance with legal or contractual restrictions;
- the right to oppose any decisions based on the automated processing of your personal data, including profiling.
If we store any information about you that is incorrect or if there are any changes in your data, please let us know so that we can keep our records accurate and up-to-date.
If you withdraw your consent to the use of your personal information for the purposes set out in our Privacy Notice, we will not be able to grant you access to all or parts of our website, applications or services.
We will keep your personal information for our business relationship time, and then until it is necessary and relevant for our legitimate business purposes, in accordance with the policy of storage, labeling and cancellation of the group or in any other way authorized by the existing laws and regulatory acts. When we no longer need your personal information, we will dispose of it in a safe manner (without your notice).
Changes to our Privacy Notice
We may change this Privacy Notice from time to time. However, we will not diminish your rights in accordance with this Privacy Notice. We will always update this Privacy Notice on our website, so please try to read it when you visit the website (the last updated link informs you when we last updated this Privacy Notice).
Privacy Policy
Who are we?
We collect and use personal data for the effective work and provide you with the best experience in our services. We use only your personal data, where we have a proper legal basis for this.
We do not sell, provide or rent your personal data to advertisers, marketers or spammers.
We save your personal data only as long as we need it to provide you with our services and fulfil the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.
If you provide us with personal details on your customers, this information is considered confidential and will only be used if necessary to provide the services that you have purchased. We will not share this information with third parties, including advertisers, marketers or spammers.
We take your personal data security seriously and apply industry-specific warranties to protect any personal data stored in our systems.
We use cookies to understand how visitors use our site, but we never sell or share this information with third parties.
We are not responsible for the privacy practices of any sites linked to our site if they are not controlled or do not belong to Manuscript Administration System under the right of ownership. Be careful when visiting any other websites.
We would like to send you information and updates by e-mail, but you can refuse to receive this information at any time. We will request your prior consent, if necessary, in accordance with the legislation of the country in which you are located.
This Privacy Policy is legally binding and may be updated from time to time.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:
[email protected]
[email protected]