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Irbid 21110,

Press & Media

Office No. 201– Second floor – Al-Bir Commercial Complex
Opposite to southern gate of Al-Hassan Sports City
Alameer Hassan Street
Irbid / Jordan


The publishing policies of “TANMEAH BASSMAH” (TBP) journals prioritize ethical oversight, ensuring adherence to principles outlined in both the company’s “Publishing policies” and “Editorial policies.” Upholding the COPE definition, ethical oversight spans consent to publication, research involving vulnerable populations, ethical treatment of animals and human subjects, handling of confidential data, and business/marketing practices. The editorial staff diligently upholds these standards and addresses appeals from the Ethics and Oversight Committee regarding breaches of ethical standards by authors, provided the appeals are non-anonymous and substantiated.

Furthermore, the company maintains rigorous editorial independence across all its journals. Editorial policies remain uniform and independent for each journal, with clear delineation of responsibilities outlined in the “Publishing policies.” Editors exercise full autonomy in decision-making processes related to publication, corrections, or withdrawals of papers, solely based on scientific merit. Commercial interests never supersede the commitment to producing high-quality reviewed journals. Editors and editorial board members have the freedom to express their opinions on editorial policies publicly without fear of repercussions. Moreover, the publisher and company founders abstain from commenting on editorial decisions and are barred from serving as editors or reviewers in the journals they publish

Additionally, the editorial office provides a contact form for inquiries and communication. The editorial structure encompasses key roles such as the Editor-in-Chief, responsible for journal oversight and strategic development; the Managing Editor, tasked with manuscript screening, overseeing the peer review process, and ensuring compliance with publishing deadlines; Section Editors, who handle peer review processes for assigned manuscripts; and Editorial Board Members, who review manuscripts, engage independent reviewers, contribute to journal promotion, and offer strategic advice.